
New guy got hired because his girlfriend works in another department and he seems to not do much. Hurray nepotism…

So apparently the new guy at my job got the work because his girlfriend hooked him up with the role. Except he doesn't do much (which sucks but whatever) but he actively keeps me from doing my job by asking for work and then not doing it. there is a whole lot of “trust me” because the guy refuses to document anything despite sitting behind a desk all day but despite the desk sitting he has still managed to create safety incidents. I'm just ranting but like how can anyone run a company with people like this? no records, no communication and can't ask for help. what can you do…

So apparently the new guy at my job got the work because his girlfriend hooked him up with the role. Except he doesn't do much (which sucks but whatever) but he actively keeps me from doing my job by asking for work and then not doing it. there is a whole lot of “trust me” because the guy refuses to document anything despite sitting behind a desk all day but despite the desk sitting he has still managed to create safety incidents.

I'm just ranting but like how can anyone run a company with people like this? no records, no communication and can't ask for help. what can you do…

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