
I got promoted but I can’t forget that the company is not my friend

I started at my company 5 months ago and I got promoted this week. I went from 20/hour to $65,000 salary. It is what I have wanted for so long, to finally be the one in charge and be salaried and feel valued and respected. I was so happy and proud of myself for jumping into this new company and proving myself this quickly. I really felt like they were different and that I owed them everything for giving me this chance. Then I got accidentally CC'd on an email thread where they were offering my position at a starting salary of $74K. Now I do understand that experience plays a role in what they offer you. I just immediately felt undervalued and like I was the cheaper option because they could get away with paying me less. I talked to my boss about it and she basically said that…

I started at my company 5 months ago and I got promoted this week. I went from 20/hour to $65,000 salary. It is what I have wanted for so long, to finally be the one in charge and be salaried and feel valued and respected. I was so happy and proud of myself for jumping into this new company and proving myself this quickly. I really felt like they were different and that I owed them everything for giving me this chance.

Then I got accidentally CC'd on an email thread where they were offering my position at a starting salary of $74K. Now I do understand that experience plays a role in what they offer you. I just immediately felt undervalued and like I was the cheaper option because they could get away with paying me less. I talked to my boss about it and she basically said that because the jump was so high from my hourly rate to $65K that the company wouldn't go any higher. She said we could revisit at the end of the year, but the max increase would be 5% and there is no way it would amount to $74K.

The kicker is that we are hiring my replacement and our last interviewee wants $27/hourly. My boss is going to push it through HR to get that approved. So while I was making barely a living wage doing this job, they are ready to pay someone new $7 more an hour. If I had been getting paid $27 from the start, then my salary now would probably be higher. I feel really hurt and honestly a little bitter.

I know I should be thankful for the increase. The cost of living in my area is high though and I can still barely qualify for a 2-bedroom apartment on that salary.

So even though I felt like this company was the first one who finally believed in me, valued me as an employee, and had my back – I was wrong and I have to remember that they will always act in their own best interests. I cannot be loyal and I have to be ready to leave as soon as I get enough experience to hop somewhere else for higher pay.

It's just sad because I really saw a future here. I wish the world was different and I wish corporate culture could be more transparent and fair. I guess that's just a pipe dream.

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