
I got put on a PIP today

I just read on here (I think) last night that if you get put on a PIP, run, it’s the last thing before they fire you. In my experience with this company, that has been true. But I don’t want to leave. I have had plenty of bad managers over the years, and I’m still there and they are not. I have worked there for more than 2 decades, which is really good for someone only in their forties I think, and the people there have always been my family. It’s a pretty good company, a household name, and employees are paid decently with good benefits, though not as good as they used to be. The tasks on my PIP are not difficult to achieve, just very time consuming, and 2 of them could be a full time job on their own. My problem with making progress on those is…

I just read on here (I think) last night that if you get put on a PIP, run, it’s the last thing before they fire you. In my experience with this company, that has been true. But I don’t want to leave.

I have had plenty of bad managers over the years, and I’m still there and they are not. I have worked there for more than 2 decades, which is really good for someone only in their forties I think, and the people there have always been my family. It’s a pretty good company, a household name, and employees are paid decently with good benefits, though not as good as they used to be.

The tasks on my PIP are not difficult to achieve, just very time consuming, and 2 of them could be a full time job on their own. My problem with making progress on those is the interruptions I get from everyone else. I’ve asked to work from home one day a week or so to focus on research, but have been denied. I’ve been told to book a conference room for privacy, but conference rooms are always booked, and there’s never a possibility to get one room all day.

I’m also afraid of starting a new job. I am an asset in my current job because of my knowledge and experience there; I’m not sure how much would transfer. I’m afraid my pay based on seniority would be wiped away. I have a lot of knowledge that is specific to the company and to the site. I’m afraid starting anew would lower my pay grade.

Any advice? I’m absolutely torn. I love this place, but the management is just one bad generation after another.

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