
I got sent home for being tossing my tongs

So I work in a hotel kitchen and it got busy on out no where thank to no communication from the front of the house servers. Anyways we have this chicken dish that takes about 12 minutes to make with 3 sauté pans if the chicken is seared. Without it being seared it takes closer to 20 minutes. Ok so I seared the normal amount on a Thursday night shift and as the rush comes I get a chicken. Cook it, plate it sell it, bam another chicken comes in , same thing cook it, plate it sell it. This happened 3 times in a row (now I’m out of seared chicken) and as I was about to sell the last one one of the Sous chefs comes to the window and says he need a chicken, steak, and fish . So I sigh and looked up (saying f*ck to…

So I work in a hotel kitchen and it got busy on out no where thank to no communication from the front of the house servers. Anyways we have this chicken dish that takes about 12 minutes to make with 3 sauté pans if the chicken is seared. Without it being seared it takes closer to 20 minutes.

Ok so I seared the normal amount on a Thursday night shift and as the rush comes I get a chicken. Cook it, plate it sell it, bam another chicken comes in , same thing cook it, plate it sell it. This happened 3 times in a row (now I’m out of seared chicken) and as I was about to sell the last one one of the Sous chefs comes to the window and says he need a chicken, steak, and fish . So I sigh and looked up (saying f*ck to myself and toss my tongs on the table and went to the cooler to grab more chicken to sear. As I came back the Sous chef grabs me and says why I’m mad. I tell him I’m not mad I’m just tired and irritated and then he goes off on this big speech on why I shouldn’t be mad for doing my job and tells me to go home since I’m tired.

So I grab my equipment started washing them and he follows me and he tells how we works so many hours and this and that. And the whole time I’m just standing there thinking how much he overreacted and just wanted to go home before I say something I’m going to regret lol

I knew this guy didn’t like me before this, and was planning on quitting in a few months ( finishing paying for a wedding) but might have to start looking sooner haha

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