
I got side promoted this week, time to teach the new hires their rights.

Ive been at my job for 8 years. Yeah, move around, make more money, yada yada… few jobs in my area pay more and going up the ladder means being on call more and woken up at night. ​ As long as I've been with the team, my area has been a mini 2 person team but thanks to covid, with staff working from home, some of the higher level staff want to WFH too but their setups require coordination and more time to get things done, meanwhile the normal duties don't stop. In fact, they have increased. One person left recently, and my supervisor hired two people. One to take my old job and one to assist with getting more hardware out while I take care of everything in between. He flat out told me “I don't have time to train the new people, that's your job now”. So…

Ive been at my job for 8 years. Yeah, move around, make more money, yada yada… few jobs in my area pay more and going up the ladder means being on call more and woken up at night.

As long as I've been with the team, my area has been a mini 2 person team but thanks to covid, with staff working from home, some of the higher level staff want to WFH too but their setups require coordination and more time to get things done, meanwhile the normal duties don't stop. In fact, they have increased. One person left recently, and my supervisor hired two people. One to take my old job and one to assist with getting more hardware out while I take care of everything in between. He flat out told me “I don't have time to train the new people, that's your job now”.

So now while teaching them their job, I'm also teaching them about their rights as workers. They get a break that's deducted from their hours, take it and don't work through it. Drive time counts as working time, it doesn't matter how far or where you go. Don't work off the clock. Scheduled to get off at 5? Get out of here no later than 5:01. My state recently passed a new on call law. Im going to see how that meshes with our current on call of getting extra money every paycheck even if we arn't on call. IE, $50 over the course of 3 months is $300 but if we only get a call to reset a password once while on call it might be better to just not rock the boat….

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