
I guess I just need to vent…

At my job that I’ve been at for a year I’ve been promised a promotion since month 3, then month 6, month 9 and now it’s up in the air and they don’t know when the promotion will happen. I’m still in a TRAINING position and I manage one of our largest accounts. I’ve had a manager reveal personal health info about me to other employees. I’ve been sexually harassed and asked uncomfortable sexual questions by an employee. They denied my service dog and finally let me have him when I told them what they were doing is illegal (I had to fight 3 months for him and they made me feel like the biggest inconvenience) What finally told me that I needed to be done was when I explained my frustration that my promotion has been put off 4 times that I need incentive to stay and asked to…

At my job that I’ve been at for a year I’ve been promised a promotion since month 3, then month 6, month 9 and now it’s up in the air and they don’t know when the promotion will happen. I’m still in a TRAINING position and I manage one of our largest accounts.

I’ve had a manager reveal personal health info about me to other employees.

I’ve been sexually harassed and asked uncomfortable sexual questions by an employee.

They denied my service dog and finally let me have him when I told them what they were doing is illegal (I had to fight 3 months for him and they made me feel like the biggest inconvenience)

What finally told me that I needed to be done was when I explained my frustration that my promotion has been put off 4 times that I need incentive to stay and asked to work from home 2 days a week like a couple others in my position are and my manager said no (even though I’m ranked toward the top with my numbers and productivity.) I explained that this isn’t fair and the company has been preaching fairness since I’ve been hired and he said, “well I’ve never personally preached fairness…” are you fucking kidding me?

So over corporate America, they don’t give a shit about their employees.

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