
I had an interview for a job, then I find out they wanted 75% travel.

So I have decades of experience in my field. And I'm looking for a job with less stress since my finances allow me to. No husband, no kids, no big house or car payments. The job would have not been a pay cut, but on paper it was a stress cut. So cut to the interview. I can tell they love my qualifications but they're trying their best to downplay them so they don't have to pay me nearly what I'm worth. Then they explain that it's almost all international travel. I explain to them that I am fine with that, but I know that can be stressful and it means your pay rate per hour falls to almost nothing. So I explained I would require double what their max listed salary for the position was. They looked shocked. Acted like I was being unreasonable. Tried to say that all…

So I have decades of experience in my field. And I'm looking for a job with less stress since my finances allow me to. No husband, no kids, no big house or car payments. The job would have not been a pay cut, but on paper it was a stress cut.

So cut to the interview. I can tell they love my qualifications but they're trying their best to downplay them so they don't have to pay me nearly what I'm worth. Then they explain that it's almost all international travel.

I explain to them that I am fine with that, but I know that can be stressful and it means your pay rate per hour falls to almost nothing. So I explained I would require double what their max listed salary for the position was.

They looked shocked. Acted like I was being unreasonable. Tried to say that all I cared about was money.

I said, “I care about other things as well, but since you did not tell me that this was 75% travel until we were almost done with the interview I now have no reason to believe that you are being honest with me about anything else regarding this position or this company.”

One of them responded, “Well, people are not interested if we tell them that up front.”

I replied, “That's a lovely way to justify lying so you can sleep at night. Bring people in, get them invested, then change the deal. Which is fine, you want to make a change in the deal, so I want a change too. Take it or leave it.”

They looked at each other, “We will get back to you, thank you.” The interview ended there and I left.

Even at that pay rate I'm a good deal, and they know it. What they don't know is that I would just take the job for the free travel and do a really half-ass job of it, then retire after a year or so. šŸ¤£

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