
I hate bosses that have to make up work.

I work from home and do a pretty important job. I work with a team and we do very well together b/c of how self-sufficient we are. If someone needs help we reach out but otherwise, we don't need to communicate and everyone is okay with that. We are extremely busy so we don't have time to chat anyways. Well, a few months ago our current manager was fired and replaced with someone else who already oversees another department. This person has had a reputation for micro mangement so we were rightfully worried. Not even a few weeks later and the annoyance started. This new manager is always trying to socialize and get us to interact with each other even though we have expressed that we have no interest in it nor a need for it. He thinks that this will make our job better when in fact it does…

I work from home and do a pretty important job. I work with a team and we do very well together b/c of how self-sufficient we are. If someone needs help we reach out but otherwise, we don't need to communicate and everyone is okay with that. We are extremely busy so we don't have time to chat anyways.

Well, a few months ago our current manager was fired and replaced with someone else who already oversees another department. This person has had a reputation for micro mangement so we were rightfully worried. Not even a few weeks later and the annoyance started. This new manager is always trying to socialize and get us to interact with each other even though we have expressed that we have no interest in it nor a need for it. He thinks that this will make our job better when in fact it does nothing but distract us.

Our new manager also started sending us surveys and random training that we would have to complete by the end of the day on short notice. The training involved stuff like “leadership” or “How to manage stress”. It wouldn't be such a problem if it wasn't for the fact that we are so busy.

The training itself is also extremely pointless too. It teaches you nothing that you didn't know already. We just wasted even more time by having a 1 hr meeting about how we can create more time to do these “tasks” by cutting corners in our job. No matter what our concerns were with our new manager it always circled back to “You still have to do it”. It wasn't until our manager slipped out how this was HIS goal to make us grow which essentially meant he either told upper management that he will do this or was told to do it and promised results so now we are stuck having to deal with his bullshit.

Another thing that pissed us off was how these training videos are so we can acquire new skills to get raises. Someone in my team then asked if we would get a raise for just doing our job and the response was “We are already paying you to do your job” and when inflation was brought up it was brushed off as “We don't control what happens around you financially” even though they pay us.

Just had to vent about what a colossal fucking prick this new manager is. Our last manager may not have been involved as much but for good reason since she knew not to interfere with our job unless it was something that actually helped us. She also stood up for us a lot so we are suspicious that this might have been the reason why she was replaced by someone who is more complacent.

All we can really do now is just do what is asked and if performance drops then we know exactly who to blame. Also, performance dropping means big money loss in our department.

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