
I hate having to go to work

It ruins my entire day. It's day after day, hours of nothing but drudgery and sadness. People ask me why I have such a sad look on my face all the time, my question is why they don't! I go to work and labor almost everyday and what do I get in return? I can't even afford health insurance or a place of my own to stay in. I'm such a disappointment to my family and more importantly to myself. I thought I was destined to do great things and get here I am, the lowliest of workers. I'm such a pathetic little being not even worthy of the title of “man”. I hate this world, I hate work, I hate everything.

It ruins my entire day. It's day after day, hours of nothing but drudgery and sadness. People ask me why I have such a sad look on my face all the time, my question is why they don't! I go to work and labor almost everyday and what do I get in return? I can't even afford health insurance or a place of my own to stay in. I'm such a disappointment to my family and more importantly to myself. I thought I was destined to do great things and get here I am, the lowliest of workers. I'm such a pathetic little being not even worthy of the title of “man”.

I hate this world, I hate work, I hate everything.

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