
I hate how I’m demonized by my company for not wanting to do things outside of work.

So to start I work as a mechanic at a rental company, I work 10 hour shifts Monday – Friday (7-5) and a 5 hour shift on Saturday (7-12) every single week. I’m not forced to work Saturday but I do because I’m barely scraping by. So that means a typical day for me starts at 6:00 am and i don’t get home until almost 6:00pm. 5 days a week and then half my Saturday is gone, even more so in commute on the weekend. The only day I get off is Sunday unless I put vacation time in. Why is it I get demonized for not wanting to do even more? I want to punch the clock do my job and go home. I don’t want to go to fairs and community days on Sunday to represent the company. I don’t want to be sent away for week long…

So to start I work as a mechanic at a rental company, I work 10 hour shifts Monday – Friday (7-5) and a 5 hour shift on Saturday (7-12) every single week. I’m not forced to work Saturday but I do because I’m barely scraping by. So that means a typical day for me starts at 6:00 am and i don’t get home until almost 6:00pm. 5 days a week and then half my Saturday is gone, even more so in commute on the weekend. The only day I get off is Sunday unless I put vacation time in.

Why is it I get demonized for not wanting to do even more? I want to punch the clock do my job and go home. I don’t want to go to fairs and community days on Sunday to represent the company. I don’t want to be sent away for week long “training and team building exercises” places 900 miles away from my house to actually get less money than if I just went to work because they pay a flat 40 hours for that trip. I don’t want to leave my house 2 hours earlier in the morning to go interact with personnel in other locations to not get paid anything at all for travel.

I just want to come to work and go home.. I have no great career aspirations, I just want to do my job and live my life.. I want to work to live.. not live for work.

Am I wrong?

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