
I Hate The Entire Concept of Work – We Should Live in Communes & Share Work + Resources Instead

I used to fall for the kind of “American Dream” idea that if you work hard, you can get a better job and then be able to afford a better lifestyle like a nice house and car BUT now I have realised that 1.) Working hard doesn't guarantee a better job – I've even met ppl with masters degrees that work minimum wage jobs 2.) Even if it did work, we NEED people to fulfil jobs like hospital cleaners and bus drivers, those jobs are absolutely necessary for society so those people deserve to be paid and treated a lot better. 3.) Even if you have a “good job” it's still a massive chunk of your time that's taken away from you, so you aren't able to spend as much time perusing personal goals or hobbies or spending time with friends and family. I personally think it would be amazing…

I used to fall for the kind of “American Dream” idea that if you work hard, you can get a better job and then be able to afford a better lifestyle like a nice house and car BUT now I have realised that
1.) Working hard doesn't guarantee a better job – I've even met ppl with masters degrees that work minimum wage jobs
2.) Even if it did work, we NEED people to fulfil jobs like hospital cleaners and bus drivers, those jobs are absolutely necessary for society so those people deserve to be paid and treated a lot better.
3.) Even if you have a “good job” it's still a massive chunk of your time that's taken away from you, so you aren't able to spend as much time perusing personal goals or hobbies or spending time with friends and family.

I personally think it would be amazing if everyone could live in communes where they work with their friends, family and neighbours to grow food and build shelters etc and they all share resources with each other. You'd still have to “work” but your work would be entirely about your own survival and helping others, not being stuck in an office all day, getting yelled at by customers over things that aren't your fault or cleaning toilets all day like in a “normal” job.

Indigenous people like Native Americans and my ancestors – Crofters (I'm from Scotland), had it right all along, it's insane when you think that these groups of people were forced out of their way of life – they got murdered, raped, tortured and had their homes destroyed, in order to make way for the “right' way of life, a way of life where everyone is utterly miserable and there are people living and dying on the streets, like people DIED to make way for this misery.

I've been laughed at for saying all of this before, but I personally think it's more laughable and crazy that there are ppl who genuinely defend the idea of losing 40 hours of your life every week.

What do you guys think? Would you want to live in a commune?
Also, I know there are communes out there and I have looked into them, but I hate that they are so few and far between, plus some have political or religious aspects to them, my idea is to have lots of communes everywhere so there are enough for everyone to live in them not just a small minority of people and no political or religious aspects, so everyone is welcome. (I mean sure it is a bit political since the whole concept has aspects of communism and socialism, but I mean more that I wouldn't want there to be any more political aspects than that)

General Reasons To Hate Working;

  • You're forced to do a job you don't like

  • Even if you're lucky enough to enjoy your job, there's still going to be tasks you don't enjoy and it still limits your free time

  • It limits the time you can spend doing things you enjoy or pursuing your personal goals eg spending time with friends & family, doing hobbies, travelling, going to the gym or learning a new skill like a language or instrument.

  • You're forced to spend time with people that you haven't chosen to be around. Colleagues, managers and customers/clients could be some of the most vile, horrible people you've ever met in your life BUT because it's your job, you still need to fake a smile and be polite – out of fear that you may lose your job if you are rude back to them.

  • For customer service staff, you are the only representative of the company customers will speak to, soo if a customer is very angry about say their bill or the company policies etc, YOU will be their emotional punching bag, they'll shout and scream at you even though you have nothing to do with those policies and you are literally earning minimum wage.

  • You're forced to waste time and money commuting

  • Your boss can deny you time off so it can be difficult to travel, persue hobbies, spend time with friends and family and it can even mean you end up missing important events, even a close family member's funeral or having to work on your own birthday.

  • Your boss can control what you do to your own body eg peircings, dying your hair (I have always wanted to dye my hair green but every job I've had hasn't allowed it, even though it's literally my body) or doing drugs (even if the effects will wear off before getting back to work, so it doesn't effect how you do your job)

  • Your boss can also control what you do, even outside of work hours eg what you post on social media, doing drugs or drinking and even travelling (some WFH jobs, even fully WFH jobs don't allow employees to be outside of the country, even if the job only requires an internet connection and laptop)

  • You're forced to wear clothing that might make you feel uncomfortable eg some waiting jobs force female employees to wear revealing clothing and I even did a waiting job where they gave all staff men's shirts to wear, even the female staff.

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