
I hate working, I hate it so hard

I am a computer technician, before that I worked in supermarkets, I studied literature too (French literature, I am French so…) . Anyway, what I mean is that I hated my jobs in supermarkets and I don't like my job in computer science very much. I prefer it anyway, but it's not enough for me. The work world has too many horrible flaws. First of all, it turns most of the people in it into horrible assholes. But another thing that makes it so ugly is its propensity to take the most trivial things in life extremely seriously. And having to spend my week in this environment poisons me. I mean, hey, we wake up, we're human beings on a godforsaken planet in a random galaxy in the middle of the universe. What the fuck do I care about your Outlook signature or DHCP relay? ​ Don't get me wrong,…

I am a computer technician, before that I worked in supermarkets, I studied literature too (French literature, I am French so…) . Anyway, what I mean is that I hated my jobs in supermarkets and I don't like my job in computer science very much. I prefer it anyway, but it's not enough for me.

The work world has too many horrible flaws. First of all, it turns most of the people in it into horrible assholes. But another thing that makes it so ugly is its propensity to take the most trivial things in life extremely seriously. And having to spend my week in this environment poisons me. I mean, hey, we wake up, we're human beings on a godforsaken planet in a random galaxy in the middle of the universe. What the fuck do I care about your Outlook signature or DHCP relay?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the work is useless. I'm just saying that what we do is never as serious as we pretend all day long.

The most valuable thing I have is my time. You can never get it back, so I value it too much.

Anyway, all this to say that I would much prefer a world where we would all be under some kind of universal income with some kind of obligation to participate in the good functioning of society. That is, to continue to be a computer technician for what concerns me for example, but not necessarily to be more competitive than my neighbor, simply to participate to the good functioning of society. Fuck, I could be a garbage man in these conditions.

I'm convinced that we could organize society differently. My ideas here are a bit silly and superficial, but I'm sure there are ways to do things differently. Working in shifts, a few months as a volunteer, a few months as a salaried employee, or something else, I'm rambling. I'm convinced that it's possible, but I'm even more convinced that it won't happen in my lifetime.

So I'll keep going to work every day. And I'll vaguely pretend to give a shit. The more time passes, the less I feel the need to pretend I give a shit. I'm getting more and more comfortable with looking like a nonchalant person. My ultimate goal is to be comfortable with looking like a complete wanker.

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