
I have $14 in my bank account and I just took a “promotion” to a Supervisor role where I’ll make less money and be required to do more work just so I can put the position on my resume.

I've been working at a company for about a year and a half as a team lead. When I was hired I was brought on with the intention of me becoming a second shift supervisor once they could hire enough people to add a second shift. For the last 18 months I've been doing everything that my managers have asked, taking personal development classes online (how to be a good leader, how to delegate, how to communicate with under performing employees, etc), started sitting in on interviews and one on ones, taking on and managing bigger projects, etc. Essentially proving to them that I can handle the extra work. Well the day finally came, I got called into my boss's boss's office, they sat me down and presented me with an offer letter. I was so excited!! I read through it and finally found the number I was looking for…

I've been working at a company for about a year and a half as a team lead. When I was hired I was brought on with the intention of me becoming a second shift supervisor once they could hire enough people to add a second shift. For the last 18 months I've been doing everything that my managers have asked, taking personal development classes online (how to be a good leader, how to delegate, how to communicate with under performing employees, etc), started sitting in on interviews and one on ones, taking on and managing bigger projects, etc. Essentially proving to them that I can handle the extra work.

Well the day finally came, I got called into my boss's boss's office, they sat me down and presented me with an offer letter. I was so excited!! I read through it and finally found the number I was looking for (and let's be honest, it's the most important number), my offered salary. My heart sunk, I wanted to throw up. Seeing as I had just done my taxes, I knew immediately that the offer was less than what I made last year. With all of the overtime I was putting in, I apparently made more than what some supervisors were making.

I explained to them that if I took the job I would be taking a pay cut. They didn't care. “It wouldn't be fair to other supervisors if you came in at a higher rate.” Ok, can I get more vacation days? “PTO days are set by corporate and are non-negotiable.” So the offer is what it is, nothing will change? “Exactly.”

I told them I needed to think about it and they said sure. I came in this morning and was immediately confronted by my boss asking for an answer, “I need a decision by noon otherwise we're posting the open supervisor position.” So with tears in my eyes I signed the offer letter.

After I left their office I went to sit in my car and cry. I didn't want anyone to see me so I drove to a restaurant down the street. I got so upset that I decided “fuck it, I need a shot before I go back to work.” Being that I'm 2 days away from payday I decided I should check to make sure I had enough money for gas and food before I go in, only to discover I have $14 to my name. Hello cherry, please join the icing and sprinkles on top of the cake I call life.

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