
I have been officially priced out of my apartment after living here for 3 years

A bit of a curveball was thrown my way today. My lease is coming to an end soon, and I today I got an email from my apartments asking if I want to re-sign my lease. They've raised the price another $200. To give some context here: I moved into my apartment in 2020 and I signed my lease at $900 a month. 2021 I re-signed at $1,050 a month. 2022 I re-signed at $1,100 a month. Now it's 2023 and my apartment wants $1,300 a month. That's it, I've officially been priced out of the place I've called home these past 3 years. Even with me paying $1,100 + utilities a month I barley have enough to get by. I'm left with no money at the end of every month. So now I have no extra money to move out and I don't know what to do. I was…

A bit of a curveball was thrown my way today. My lease is coming to an end soon, and I today I got an email from my apartments asking if I want to re-sign my lease. They've raised the price another $200.

To give some context here: I moved into my apartment in 2020 and I signed my lease at $900 a month. 2021 I re-signed at $1,050 a month. 2022 I re-signed at $1,100 a month. Now it's 2023 and my apartment wants $1,300 a month. That's it, I've officially been priced out of the place I've called home these past 3 years.

Even with me paying $1,100 + utilities a month I barley have enough to get by. I'm left with no money at the end of every month. So now I have no extra money to move out and I don't know what to do. I was late for rent this month because of some car issues I had to pay for, and my apartments hit me with a $150 dollar fine for being a few days late. After paying this month's rent I have nothing left in my bank account and no food in my fridge. I have to wait until Friday to get paid so I'm going to have to give a call to my grandparents for some food.

I am a bit disappointed that someone like me who works hard every day and makes a $50,000 salary (before taxes) can't even afford basic living and food. My dad raised my entire family off 50k a year. The world is completely different than it once was. I need to change my circumstances in life, so I don't ever have to experience this again. I have never struggled this bad financially in my life. I've always done somewhat okay, but now my money is losing its value as the years go by. I will keep a positive mindset and grow through this. I'm entirely grateful for my good health and sharp mind. I will change my circumstances and rise above. Just wanted to share my struggles because I'm sure someone can relate.

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