
I have found the promised land!

For obvious reasons of self-doxxing and jeopardizing my sweet new gig (4 10’s M-Th only) I will not be saying where or who where this job is with, but, I have found an employer that asks me to punch in as I leave my home and punch out as I arrive home. Slow and steady progress is happening friends. The movement will right this ship, eventually. Keep at it, as I have seen the promised land and it is good.

For obvious reasons of self-doxxing and jeopardizing my sweet new gig (4 10’s M-Th only) I will not be saying where or who where this job is with, but, I have found an employer that asks me to punch in as I leave my home and punch out as I arrive home. Slow and steady progress is happening friends. The movement will right this ship, eventually. Keep at it, as I have seen the promised land and it is good.

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