
I have never felt more like a cog in the machine than last week

Title. To make a long story short, I work in manufacturing. However, last week just floored me. I was in a Kaizen continuous improvement event- some of these take all day and an entire week or more. I had an automatic reply on my outlook telling people that I’m in this event all day so I will respond to you when I can and thank you for understanding. However, something important didn’t get done. But it was not my direct responsibility. We’ll call him Mike (not real name)- didn’t do his job. There were some hot parts coming in for an assembly that I gave notice to all department heads I needed moved so assembly can build. I released work order ahead of time and organized a plan. Essentially, I DID MY JOB. However, when the plan wasn’t followed through IE Mike did NOT do his job and get the…


To make a long story short, I work in manufacturing. However, last week just floored me.

I was in a Kaizen continuous improvement event- some of these take all day and an entire week or more. I had an automatic reply on my outlook telling people that I’m in this event all day so I will respond to you when I can and thank you for understanding.

However, something important didn’t get done. But it was not my direct responsibility. We’ll call him Mike (not real name)- didn’t do his job. There were some hot parts coming in for an assembly that I gave notice to all department heads I needed moved so assembly can build. I released work order ahead of time and organized a plan. Essentially, I DID MY JOB. However, when the plan wasn’t followed through IE Mike did NOT do his job and get the work to assembly- I received the flak for it. Note: Mike runs his own department and does not report to me.

Keep in mind- I was in this event all day working unpaid overtime (salary) and it’s somehow my fault that Mike didn’t do his job. I was literally sweating and feeling weak all this week due to the physical aspect of the work and the stress. My boss had to call me into his office because he didn’t want these issues “reaching his desk”.

I was depressed. I’m normally a very high performer so this hurt my feelings a bit. But it was literally out of my control because I was in an event all week. But it made me realize I could be working hard getting my hands dirty, covered in sweat, and trying my best and it’s still not enough because I can’t be in two places at once. Doubly so because I’m a salaried office worker that occasionally gets my hands dirty. I don’t mind this, but no one appreciates it. My company expects the world of me but they don’t punish Mike’s terrible performance.

This is what made me feel like a cog in the machine. I worked so hard to get here and I’m treated like a tool. I’m going to do everything I can to retire early because I can’t do this for another 40 years.


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