
I have to leave my job at a prehistoric site because my boss is incompetent.

If I should have to quit because a lack of using tools led to my being burned out, my supervisor should have to quit for never showing me the tools and for having contempt for me when I asked for help. His apathy led to my having to learn and do nearly everything for myself while he requested that I take things off his plate. Additionally, when I would fall behind I was chastised more instead of being offered help. This led to my behavior of not asking because I knew I wouldn’t get it and because asking would put in the “bad” pot. Fuck. I’m so angry.

If I should have to quit because a lack of using tools led to my being burned out, my supervisor should have to quit for never showing me the tools and for having contempt for me when I asked for help.

His apathy led to my having to learn and do nearly everything for myself while he requested that I take things off his plate. Additionally, when I would fall behind I was chastised more instead of being offered help.

This led to my behavior of not asking because I knew I wouldn’t get it and because asking would put in the “bad” pot.

Fuck. I’m so angry.

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