
I keep having days off work.

We moved factorys (something that was not mentioned to me when I applied for the job six months ago) we're there for a few months while our old factory gets renovated. I fucking hate it. It's horrible from start to finish we've been there a month and I've worked maybe 2 weeks all in all. I need to stop having days off and just get it over with but even with my anti anxiety tablets I'm not sleeping. Surprised I haven't been sacked but I wouldn't even care if they did. The only saving grace is that if I were to go to my back up job I'd have to work longer hours and weekends and I love my weekends off with my partner

We moved factorys (something that was not mentioned to me when I applied for the job six months ago) we're there for a few months while our old factory gets renovated.

I fucking hate it. It's horrible from start to finish we've been there a month and I've worked maybe 2 weeks all in all. I need to stop having days off and just get it over with but even with my anti anxiety tablets I'm not sleeping. Surprised I haven't been sacked but I wouldn't even care if they did. The only saving grace is that if I were to go to my back up job I'd have to work longer hours and weekends and I love my weekends off with my partner

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