
I love my boss, but he is a micromanager. Help me come up with a slightly snarky response to his latest email.

Maybe this is the wrong forum, but I feel like you fine folks can help. Yesterday I sent an email to one of our very remote locations with a large attachment. I mentioned in the email that bandwidth at that location may prevent the attachment from going through. My boss was cc on the email, which is very common due to the team nature of the work we do. This morning he sent me an email asking if I had followed up, pointing out all of the VERY OBVIOUS reasons I should. If the email doesn't go through, they won't know to tell you…. Blah blah. He really is a great guy, and he means really well, but his micromanagy approach to every little detail can be infuriating. We've talked to him about it, and he really does make an effort, but he is having a very hard time fighting…

Maybe this is the wrong forum, but I feel like you fine folks can help.

Yesterday I sent an email to one of our very remote locations with a large attachment. I mentioned in the email that bandwidth at that location may prevent the attachment from going through. My boss was cc on the email, which is very common due to the team nature of the work we do.

This morning he sent me an email asking if I had followed up, pointing out all of the VERY OBVIOUS reasons I should. If the email doesn't go through, they won't know to tell you…. Blah blah.

He really is a great guy, and he means really well, but his micromanagy approach to every little detail can be infuriating. We've talked to him about it, and he really does make an effort, but he is having a very hard time fighting his nature. I want him to understand that insulting my intelligence and my competency at my job are fun ways to get a snarky response from me (I have a ton of seniority, and I am already scheduled for promotion to his rank in the next few months, so I like to take a few liberties). I'm not worried about getting in trouble, but I also like the guy and my job, so I don't want to be mean.

How would you professionally point out to someone that they should kindly get the @#$& out of your shorts and not insult your intelligence by reminding you to do very basic things?

P.S. Not 5 minutes after I had sent the email, I had called the recipient to confirm receipt, cause DUH

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