
I love seeing restaurants go under

I’ve worked in restaurants for a long time, at many different places. Everywhere is basically the same, owned and operated by little wannabe dictators. They always say nobody wants to work, but unemployment is at like 3% so that doesn’t even check out. People are just refusing to work these shitty jobs where they get treated like a serf. No time off, schedule changes at the last minute, 10 hour shifts with no break, hell most of the time I’ve been lucky if I even got to go to the bathroom. All for $10 an hour. The best part is, the few places that are well run and actually treat their staff like people, don’t seem to be struggling. But the remaining 80% would rather go under than take an objective look at themselves. And I absolutely love seeing my former employers lose everything. If you’re a restaurant worker, for…

I’ve worked in restaurants for a long time, at many different places. Everywhere is basically the same, owned and operated by little wannabe dictators.

They always say nobody wants to work, but unemployment is at like 3% so that doesn’t even check out. People are just refusing to work these shitty jobs where they get treated like a serf.

No time off, schedule changes at the last minute, 10 hour shifts with no break, hell most of the time I’ve been lucky if I even got to go to the bathroom. All for $10 an hour.

The best part is, the few places that are well run and actually treat their staff like people, don’t seem to be struggling. But the remaining 80% would rather go under than take an objective look at themselves. And I absolutely love seeing my former employers lose everything.

If you’re a restaurant worker, for the love of God don’t ever give up on trying to find something better. If you can handle service you are 100% qualified enough for a bunch of other shit that will pay you twice as much for half the aggravation.

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