
I need help “not giving a F”.

Venting + current issue So! I work at a nationwide p.o.s. company. Holidays besides Christmas day and Easter are black out days, including day before and day after. More than two consecutive days off are a write up. Even if you have sick leave, personal time, vacation time. Not sure if thats reality, but thats what higher ups say to guilt trip everyone. They also will only higher two people at a time in the office, which is needing at least 4. And only 7 people on the floor which needs at least 10. Floor gets much more leeway in terms of offtime. You have covid? Go sit in a corner, well still pay you your time. The office? Ha! No way. Away from your computer long enough for teams to mark you as idle? Despite in the bathroom dying? To the point a passerby customer told me I should…

Venting + current issue
So! I work at a nationwide p.o.s. company. Holidays besides Christmas day and Easter are black out days, including day before and day after. More than two consecutive days off are a write up. Even if you have sick leave, personal time, vacation time.

Not sure if thats reality, but thats what higher ups say to guilt trip everyone. They also will only higher two people at a time in the office, which is needing at least 4. And only 7 people on the floor which needs at least 10. Floor gets much more leeway in terms of offtime. You have covid? Go sit in a corner, well still pay you your time.

The office? Ha! No way. Away from your computer long enough for teams to mark you as idle? Despite in the bathroom dying? To the point a passerby customer told me I should go home and get some rest? Nah. Write up.

So a customer, I'm assuming the same one, left a review saying they should pay us more so we didn't have to be at work so sick. Got a gigantic email about that saying how we “need to look more lively, approachable, and not scare customers away by wearing masks”.

So. I've been sick for 2 months straight. Climbing on 3. Yesterday was the worst. Ill spare ya the details but I would not be able to make the hour long drive, or sit at a desk for more than 30 minutes at a time. So I gave up and called out sick. I slept all dang day that I wasn't in the restroom.

It's in the black out schedule so I'm being written up. Today I'm only marginally better. My fever has yet to break, headaches, dizzy, can't stand for long and nod off when trying to sit up. So I call out again. Being written up again and I BETTER be in tomorrow. If not it may be a firable offense since its three consecutive black out days.

So! Me being me. I'm freaking the fuck out. Not able to relax, stressing about leaving my partner alone, stressing about paperwork I should have already got done but was barely functioning this last week that I was at work.

The annoying thing is? I love my team. I really do. My store is amazing. Its the company thats a piece of shit. I was the only office person, with no training, for three months. Did I get any raise? No. Instead I got an email about how piss poor our office score is. My managers have to do repeated 14 hour days because higher ups refuse to higher another manager.

I need people to tell me I need to f it and take tomorrow off to feel better. Because right now im stressing out thinking this is just the life of an adult. Dying for minimum wage.

Please help Dx

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