
I never give my personal cell number to my managers

I don’t want text messages at all hours. I don’t want them becoming too familiar. I’m WFH, so my office line rolls to my cell. They can either leave a voicemail or send an email. Nothing is ever that urgent that it can’t wait an hour until I can get to it. Each time I get a new boss, it’s always the same question: What’s your cell number? Always followed by the same answer: I prefer not to share it.

I don’t want text messages at all hours. I don’t want them becoming too familiar. I’m WFH, so my office line rolls to my cell. They can either leave a voicemail or send an email. Nothing is ever that urgent that it can’t wait an hour until I can get to it.

Each time I get a new boss, it’s always the same question: What’s your cell number? Always followed by the same answer: I prefer not to share it.

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