
I never want to have a supervisor position again

I only lasted 2 months in that position and it was a nightmare the entire time. My boss was texting me 24/7 about issues at the shelter that I had absolutely zero control over and “venting” to me about other employees aka talking shit. Every week someone was changing their schedule, couldn't work certain days anymore etc, or texting me to complain about someone not doing their job correctly. I'm not a career person. When I get off of work I want to go home and not have to think about it until the next day that I'm scheduled. The last thing that I want is to be getting texts about an issue that I can't fix while I'm trying to relax. I will take less pay if it means having better mental health, I don't care anymore.

I only lasted 2 months in that position and it was a nightmare the entire time. My boss was texting me 24/7 about issues at the shelter that I had absolutely zero control over and “venting” to me about other employees aka talking shit. Every week someone was changing their schedule, couldn't work certain days anymore etc, or texting me to complain about someone not doing their job correctly.

I'm not a career person. When I get off of work I want to go home and not have to think about it until the next day that I'm scheduled. The last thing that I want is to be getting texts about an issue that I can't fix while I'm trying to relax. I will take less pay if it means having better mental health, I don't care anymore.

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