
I quit and found a better job.

Little bit of context here; I was working for this company that would ship boxes that contained ingredients and the recipe for it, think of Hello Fresh. There was 3 different sizes, Single, Double, and Family, and there are about 30 recipes – sometimes there we a few less. Anyway, the goal was to get about 20 racks done a day; that's basically 1 recipe of a size. They needed to get a full week done in about 4 days. During the week there is only about 3 people working at a time, and the work week starts on a Thursday. Onto the story. So I managed to get a job there and worked for about 2 months, my coworkers thought I was gonna quit within a week because of how bad the place was. At this point Thanksgiving is approaching and we are quickly getting overwhelmed since we are…

Little bit of context here; I was working for this company that would ship boxes that contained ingredients and the recipe for it, think of Hello Fresh. There was 3 different sizes, Single, Double, and Family, and there are about 30 recipes – sometimes there we a few less. Anyway, the goal was to get about 20 racks done a day; that's basically 1 recipe of a size. They needed to get a full week done in about 4 days. During the week there is only about 3 people working at a time, and the work week starts on a Thursday.

Onto the story.
So I managed to get a job there and worked for about 2 months, my coworkers thought I was gonna quit within a week because of how bad the place was.
At this point Thanksgiving is approaching and we are quickly getting overwhelmed since we are short on staff.
My manager at the time was starting to get more angry/upset and at one point he started basically asking what was taking us so long and started essentially yelling.
The next day he calls me into his office and has me sit down and starts going over my work performance, and starts comparing me to people who've been working there for over 3 years at that point.
He did this again over the next couple days and each time I got severally anxious and felt like crying.
Anyway, I put up with this all for another 2 weeks, and on a Monday, which should be a quieter day for me he decides to move me to a different department to do some work which completely ruined my day.
About an hour into my shift, I walked off, clocked out and walked to the bus stop.
I got a call from my manager “Hey, I was told you walked out of work at xx:xx, and didn't come back”
I replied “Yeah, I decided I'm quiting.”
“Oh really? Why is that?”
“Because I don't feel like I'm being treated correctly, hours are constantly getting cut, and constantly being told that I'm coming in a doing nothing, yet when I try to explain why I just get told it's excuses.
Sunday when I was only able to do 9 racks I had to fill 5 big green bins of shredded cabbage as well as gather a bunch of other ingredients that were scattered around the place which took me almost an hour for the one rack. And I apparently don't do enough. I'm done.”

After a few months had passed I got another job and I've been working since. I decided to ask one of my previous coworkers if they've managed to hire anyone since I quit and they said “They managed to hire 1 girl, but she worked for a out an hour and quit, it was funny watching the manager trying to convince her to stay, and then acting like nothing happened when she decided to leave.”

tl;dr: The job was bad, management was horrible, told people they were awful at their job, I quit, they couldn't find anyone new to stay longer then a day.

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