
I quit my job over text because my manager was openly a TERF.

I worked in a small kitchen where my Chef would regularly make derogatory and ignorant comments about LGBTQ+ people, especially Trans people. I'm openly queer and yet he felt safe enough with me to have these conversations when we were alone in the kitchen?? I constantly tried to educate him about the misinformation he was spreading but he was unwilling to take in new information, like suggesting he watch a couple videos from Jammidodger to educate himself from a trans creator. He wasn't inherently a bad person but I couldn't take it anymore, so I quit. Over text. The day before the busiest weekend of the year. For example one shift I mentioned how the 'dont say gay' bill is spreading to other states, including our own, and how harmful that will be to children and families. Which led him to go off; here are some of the things he…

I worked in a small kitchen where my Chef would regularly make derogatory and ignorant comments about LGBTQ+ people, especially Trans people. I'm openly queer and yet he felt safe enough with me to have these conversations when we were alone in the kitchen?? I constantly tried to educate him about the misinformation he was spreading but he was unwilling to take in new information, like suggesting he watch a couple videos from Jammidodger to educate himself from a trans creator. He wasn't inherently a bad person but I couldn't take it anymore, so I quit. Over text. The day before the busiest weekend of the year.

For example one shift I mentioned how the 'dont say gay' bill is spreading to other states, including our own, and how harmful that will be to children and families. Which led him to go off; here are some of the things he said in just one shift:

“Bruce Jenner is a man, he just gets off wearing women's underwear”
“I have a trans friend who just transitioned, he just had surgery, well I guess she, but he's not happy with his results”
“Y'know I read all of J.K. Rowling's tweets, she never said anything transphobic. Yeah, she said 'trans women aren't women', but that's cause they aren't”
“Gay and trans is just a phase, people are just doing it because it's trendy.”
“Non binary people don't make sense, you can't be non binary. Physically you are a binary”
“6 year old kids don't know they're gay or trans, their parents are forcing it on them. How is a kid supposed to know if they're actually trans or just gay?”

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