
I quit my miserable corporate job with nothing lined up and couldn’t be more excited about it

I have worked at X company for 13 months now. X is not a startup: it’s a large company. I am a part of a small team. Someone from my team quit back in November and they never replaced them, so myself and 1 other person completely absorbed their workload. In addition to that, my workload and responsibilities have hugely increased. Since I’ve started, my workload has increased by 3x I’d say. Many new clients, more projects, troubleshooting things constantly, having to tell people how to do their jobs every day, client calls, one thing after another none of which I enjoy doing. God I hate this shit. No possibility of a raise, no promotion, no formal feedback, barely any recognition, no cost of living adjustment despite the absurd inflation going on right now, team member who quit was never replaced even though they lied to us and said she…

I have worked at X company for 13 months now. X is not a startup: it’s a large company.
I am a part of a small team. Someone from my team quit back in November and they never replaced them, so myself and 1 other person completely absorbed their workload. In addition to that, my workload and responsibilities have hugely increased. Since I’ve started, my workload has increased by 3x I’d say. Many new clients, more projects, troubleshooting things constantly, having to tell people how to do their jobs every day, client calls, one thing after another none of which I enjoy doing. God I hate this shit.

No possibility of a raise, no promotion, no formal feedback, barely any recognition, no cost of living adjustment despite the absurd inflation going on right now, team member who quit was never replaced even though they lied to us and said she would be. I had enough and put my 2 weeks notice in, with nothing lined up. Thankfully I’m in a privileged place where I’m financially stable enough to do this without worrying.

They were “shocked and disappointed” which is hilarious to me. I had to hold myself back from laughing out loud. Did they really think I would work at this company indefinitely with 0 possibility of a raise, promotion, or moving my way up and this is somehow making me happy??? This company does absolutely nothing to keep employees happy or satisfied. I’m so excited to be done. Good riddance lol

And guess what: i found a full time nontraditional job and I’ll be making more than I was at this job! Cheers to quitting miserable corporate America and taking the nontraditional path! Who’s with me?

And I can actually focus on my physical and mental health and fitness more now instead of being stuck sitting at a desk staring at a screen for 8 hours a day. The looks on people’s faces are priceless when I tell them this. I’m college educated with 3 years of professional experience after college. It’s gotten to the point where these awful jobs are no longer attractive to me, salaries are awful, I’d rather just do my own thing. When I graduated 3 years ago these miserable jobs were paying more than they were now.. like how the fuck is that supposed to entice me to want to stay working at these jobs???

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