
I really don’t know if I’m the bad guy

I got suspended two days ago from Electrolux/Frigidaire just factory line work (for context) I’m employed through a temp agency. Well two days ago my supervisor caught me and three others on my phone while the line was down/ machines weren’t working, and told me to go to the front office and sign a write up. He has previously told me not to have my phone out on the line, and In the area I was in because of some static electrical stuff with the machines I use, but as a precaution. I don’t exactly know what for as I’m still pretty new so I didn’t have my phone out in those two areas. Anyway I didn’t say anything to my supervisor I agreed and went up to the front and told my temp agency sponsor lady what had happened. She asked me if I understood that I couldn’t have…

I got suspended two days ago from Electrolux/Frigidaire just factory line work (for context) I’m employed through a temp agency. Well two days ago my supervisor caught me and three others on my phone while the line was down/ machines weren’t working, and told me to go to the front office and sign a write up. He has previously told me not to have my phone out on the line, and In the area I was in because of some static electrical stuff with the machines I use, but as a precaution. I don’t exactly know what for as I’m still pretty new so I didn’t have my phone out in those two areas. Anyway I didn’t say anything to my supervisor I agreed and went up to the front and told my temp agency sponsor lady what had happened. She asked me if I understood that I couldn’t have my phone out at all in the plant and told me there were areas around the plant where you can have your phone out, and I explained to her that i did not know this, the only part I was aware of is the two areas my supervisor specifically told me not to have my phone out on. I also explained that there were three other people beside me with their phone out and he only talked to me, and I have never gotten a warning for it previously either, as to kind of say the supervisor is picking on me (because believe me he does and I could definitely go into detail if you guys ask) but I asked why he didn’t grab the other three. She then proceeded to tell me that she’s already written me up about it before, and told me the exact date in which I had “signed” the write up. This is completely false. I told her that this is my first time that I haven’t gotten into trouble before about my phone, but I have previously been written up a week or two before for attendance issues so that’s what she must be referring to. At this point I’m getting agitated because this lady is notorious around the plant for having a bad attitude and giving half answers to important questions the temps have so when she said that I felt like they were just out to get me or something. I didn’t argue with her but I didn’t feel like I should be written up at all either, I didn’t even get a warning and wasn’t sure if I was even doing something wrong. This is a big plant so I can understand if she mistook me for someone else maybe or whatever the reason. The lady then started to argue with me and raising her voice flipping through her drawer saying I know I shouldn’t have my phone at all because she’s got the written sign up in her drawer, basically acting like I was lying to her. I simply walked away from her room. I felt my forehead sweating and got hot really fast, I knew if I didn’t walk away I would say something I shouldn’t. I walked down the hall and grabbed napkins from a box to wipe my forehead and came back, ready to apologize for walking away and hoping we could come to an understanding and atleast talk to my supervisor. She was on the phone with someone (assuming my supervisor) and asked for my badge and whatever I had on for work. I was honestly very surprised so I asked her if I was getting sent home for the day or am I fired, and she laughed in my face and didn’t say anything. I had to wait in her office after that for about 5 minutes while my team lead grabbed my hat and a couple of other things I still had on the line inside the plant building. I took this opportunity to apologize and tell her that if I had any kind of attitude I am sorry that I sincerely felt that my supervisor was treating me unfairly; she didn’t respond. My team lead came into the room asking what was going on and she told him that I was suspended so I asked for how long and she didn’t respond. At that point I just left and drove home very confused.

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