
I really used to like my job…

(Sorry English is not my first language) I was hired at my job in April 2020. It was a 100% remote position that was mainly why I applied because I live 6 hours from the office. It all started in July when my boss announced us that we have a new president and to celebrate this, he wants to organize a summer party at work and that he really wanted us to be there. My colleague and I (she’s also living far from the office) called my boss asking her if we really needed to go since we were so far away. She said yes and that we will get our gaz paid. So I woke up at 2:30am to leave at 3, picked up my colleague on the way and we went to the fucking summer day at the office. We left at 4pm, got stuck in the traffic…

(Sorry English is not my first language)
I was hired at my job in April 2020. It was a 100% remote position that was mainly why I applied because I live 6 hours from the office.

It all started in July when my boss announced us that we have a new president and to celebrate this, he wants to organize a summer party at work and that he really wanted us to be there. My colleague and I (she’s also living far from the office) called my boss asking her if we really needed to go since we were so far away. She said yes and that we will get our gaz paid. So I woke up at 2:30am to leave at 3, picked up my colleague on the way and we went to the fucking summer day at the office. We left at 4pm, got stuck in the traffic and I was at home around 11pm. I had to work at 7 the day after, I was literally dead! But I was like “oh well it’s one time only”.

The new president decided that October will be the month of the employees where I work. Last week we had the official employee day where we had do activities on Teams such as a scavenger hunt where we had to run everywhere in our houses to find objects, after this we were matched with a random employee in the company and we had to take a lunch with them to get to know an employee from another department. THAT WAS AWFUL!!!

Then they announced us that we needed to go to the office this Friday. My colleague and I asked if we had to go as well and same answer my boss said yes because the company want their employees to connect and create links. I wanted to cry because honestly last time was really pain in the ass but hey rules are the rules… But then today they told us that we will have to do the same thing next week as well because the president of the company will do a live Q&A and wants us to be there.

They hired a bunch of people far from the office and now it seems like they want to bring us back gradually, that’s so BS! I really used to like this job and being proud of working there but the more it goes, the more I hate it :’(

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