
I refused a job my boss thought I would want, and now he’s annoyed with me.

Sorry, it's a long story. TLDR at the bottom. I started at this new company about a year ago, and I've been doing very well. There have been hints dropped that once my current supervisor leaves, I would take her position (she's been talking about moving out of state for a while). I was excited about that idea because her position is “regional” and I would love to have that title on my resume. Well, she gave notice and is leaving on June 6th. I was asked if I wanted to take on some of her responsibilities. When I asked about the title and pay, I did not receive a response. Two days passed, and the main boss man calls me, essentially saying that I didn't show proper appreciation for the offer and that my response was tactless. He then tells me a story about how he once took a…

Sorry, it's a long story. TLDR at the bottom.

I started at this new company about a year ago, and I've been doing very well. There have been hints dropped that once my current supervisor leaves, I would take her position (she's been talking about moving out of state for a while).

I was excited about that idea because her position is “regional” and I would love to have that title on my resume.

Well, she gave notice and is leaving on June 6th. I was asked if I wanted to take on some of her responsibilities. When I asked about the title and pay, I did not receive a response.

Two days passed, and the main boss man calls me, essentially saying that I didn't show proper appreciation for the offer and that my response was tactless. He then tells me a story about how he once took a pay decrease in order to get more experience. My response was that I already knew about the responsibilities he expected me to take on, I knew the location, I knew the coworkers. The only questions I had were the ones I asked, and I was direct in order to save time, because I know they need to fill that role quickly.

He then said that he's not going to just give me the regional role, that I need to pay my dues. The position they would move me to now would pay another $2-$3/hour. He and I both know that the workload increase is worth a minimum of $5-$7/hour.

I reminded him that I am essentially already filling the role as regional, and that just because I've only been with this company for a year, does not discredit the prior experience I have. He asked if I wanted the position, and I said that my current job is perfect for me, and he would have to bribe me out of it.

He's upset with me because he assumed I wanted the role, since hints had been dropped for a while now and I seemed eager to take it. But, he never directly asked me about it, so… isn't that kind of on him?

I feel justified and proud of myself for not allowing myself to be taken advantage of, but I do feel bad that I am not doing what was expected of me.

TLDR: Boss tried to give me more responsibilities with no title change and a tiny raise to absorb a position that is worth a much bigger raise and title boost. I am not going along with it as he expected, and now he's upset with me.

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