
I reported my last job to the FTC and OSHA

Only the OSHA has gotten back to me so far but they're going to send a warning letter to the spa I used to work at for a health code violation that was committed by the manager and I was able to mention her by name. You should report your past jobs for any sort of abuse or violation that you noticed, no matter how small. It's worth a shot. Context: I got fired from this job two weeks before Christmas because the manager told the owner a bunch of lies about me. I wasn't able to get my family the presents that I wanted to get them because of it so now I'm doing everything in my power to get some sort of justice. I'm also doing it because literally everyone at the spa would benefit from her being fired. She scams the customers, gives them attitude for no…

Only the OSHA has gotten back to me so far but they're going to send a warning letter to the spa I used to work at for a health code violation that was committed by the manager and I was able to mention her by name. You should report your past jobs for any sort of abuse or violation that you noticed, no matter how small. It's worth a shot.

Context: I got fired from this job two weeks before Christmas because the manager told the owner a bunch of lies about me. I wasn't able to get my family the presents that I wanted to get them because of it so now I'm doing everything in my power to get some sort of justice. I'm also doing it because literally everyone at the spa would benefit from her being fired. She scams the customers, gives them attitude for no reason, and is so rude to all the employees. She loves to pretend as though she cares so deeply about the customers but it's so obvious that she couldn't care less when she's basically stealing their money and treats them as if they're stupid.

It's a mystery as to how she hasn't been fired yet because literally right after she got promoted to be the manager, the yelp reviews dropped. They used to be consistently 5 stars and now they're consistently 1 star. And most of the bad reviews are about the way that the manager treated them.

The spa is getting new owners soon so hopefully they won't be willing to put up with her and will hire a competent manager instead.

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