
I sincerely don’t think a revolution is possible in the USA (let’s talk about it)

Not saying I'm right or wrong. I'm open to all opinions. However, I don't think we will revolt in the US. Let's put aside all the idiotic culture wars the 1% manufacture to divide us Even if Americans were on the same page and kumbaya-ing in a circle, I think that the police state, and in general, the power and influence the ruling class have over this country is just too great for us to compete. If we strike, striking will be suddenly made illegal (rights be damned, of course) overnight and the punishment will no-doubt be something horrible that will kill any momentum we might get, immediately. If we peacefully protest, we'll just get mauled by cops how they did with the BLM protests. If we violently protest, I already know the government will turn the army against the people and just kill us all. And no matter what…

Not saying I'm right or wrong. I'm open to all opinions.
However, I don't think we will revolt in the US.

Let's put aside all the idiotic culture wars the 1% manufacture to divide us

Even if Americans were on the same page and kumbaya-ing in a circle, I think that the police state, and in general, the power and influence the ruling class have over this country is just too great for us to compete.

If we strike, striking will be suddenly made illegal (rights be damned, of course) overnight and the punishment will no-doubt be something horrible that will kill any momentum we might get, immediately.

If we peacefully protest, we'll just get mauled by cops how they did with the BLM protests.

If we violently protest, I already know the government will turn the army against the people and just kill us all.

And no matter what course of action the ruling class and their lapdogs in government take, the media (which they obviously control) will make them look good all over the world and nobody would bat an eye at what's going on.

I know this sounds so pessimistic but, why would this go any other way? Anyone wanna chime in?

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