
I spent most of my young adulthood in the food service industry.

I usually had to work 2 jobs at a time to pay the rent. There is just something a little deflating about it, when the Party Line around you, is that you “don’t have work ethic” or you “didn’t put in the time” or you don’t “know how to work hard.” When your job has you dripping in sweat at the end of the night. And you’re up at the crack of dawn to make it to the breakfast shift to do it again, and your body still feels broken from the day before. And the thing that people have to say about you, is that you don’t know how to “work hard.” And they say this from their Skype meeting at their desk job.

I usually had to work 2 jobs at a time to pay the rent. There is just something a little deflating about it, when the Party Line around you, is that you “don’t have work ethic” or you “didn’t put in the time” or you don’t “know how to work hard.”

When your job has you dripping in sweat at the end of the night. And you’re up at the crack of dawn to make it to the breakfast shift to do it again, and your body still feels broken from the day before.

And the thing that people have to say about you, is that you don’t know how to “work hard.”

And they say this from their Skype meeting at their desk job.

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