
I started a new job

Just finished my first week at a new job. Probably the best place I've worked so far, decent pay, lots of growth opportunities, lots of benefits. However, the employees are so lazy it's driving me nuts. We start work at 7, first break at 9, lunch at 12, end at 330. Everyone stops work and just stands around talking at 845, 1130, and 3. I'm losing my mind with it. I'm not what you'd call a social butterfly, I don't like chit chatting, so this gap of time between stopping work and leaving is rough for me. Does anyone else struggle with stuff like this or am I just a weirdo?

Just finished my first week at a new job. Probably the best place I've worked so far, decent pay, lots of growth opportunities, lots of benefits. However, the employees are so lazy it's driving me nuts.

We start work at 7, first break at 9, lunch at 12, end at 330.

Everyone stops work and just stands around talking at 845, 1130, and 3. I'm losing my mind with it. I'm not what you'd call a social butterfly, I don't like chit chatting, so this gap of time between stopping work and leaving is rough for me. Does anyone else struggle with stuff like this or am I just a weirdo?

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