
I think I am going to quit my job

I love the line of work I do, and for the past 18 months have loved the company as well. Unfortunately, there have been a lot of false promises made to me about promotions. There has been an extreme amount of call outs that management isn’t doing anything about and that I have to figure out. Recent our owner fired somebody, then texted me and said “well hopefully you can figure coverage out.” like excuse me?? That is absolutely not my job. There is 0 communication, and the owner likes to make rules up willy nilly whenever she’s in the mood to change something (i work a scheduling office job), and then get mad when no one knows what’s going on bc the rules are constantly changing. There have been multiple times where someone will contact us about a refund, we contact the owner and she just… doesn’t do anything…

I love the line of work I do, and for the past 18 months have loved the company as well. Unfortunately, there have been a lot of false promises made to me about promotions. There has been an extreme amount of call outs that management isn’t doing anything about and that I have to figure out.

Recent our owner fired somebody, then texted me and said “well hopefully you can figure coverage out.” like excuse me?? That is absolutely not my job. There is 0 communication, and the owner likes to make rules up willy nilly whenever she’s in the mood to change something (i work a scheduling office job), and then get mad when no one knows what’s going on bc the rules are constantly changing.

There have been multiple times where someone will contact us about a refund, we contact the owner and she just… doesn’t do anything about? Weeks will go by of that person calling us about the refund until finally the customer blows up on US for not giving her one even though it’s our owners fault.

The owner refuses to hire a site director to manage the day to day, so EVERYTHING has to go through her and she is constantly busy and has terrible response time. I’m so sick of it.

I am lucky enough to already have a job opportunity within the family that I can go to, but I have been putting that off because I was hoping this job would get better.

Anyway, I called out today because I want to think about next steps and I just didn’t want to fucking go because I don’t care anymore. Turned my phone on do not disturb and I am going back to sleep!!

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