
I think I was bait and switched

I took a job a little while ago that I am technically over qualified for. I was having trouble starting out in a new career path so I started looking for an IT related job. One place I applied to said their IT department is full right now but I could train with them while also doing very basic warehouse and machine putting-together work. So I took it as I figured it would be a decent entry into IT. And they said I would basically be next in line if anyone left the IT department. Well the person that was supposed to train me only trained me one day then never called again then moved to a different department. The big boss was supposedly unhappy about this tho (big boss hired me). Now fast forward about a month and my manager is wanting me to become a service tech. I…

I took a job a little while ago that I am technically over qualified for. I was having trouble starting out in a new career path so I started looking for an IT related job. One place I applied to said their IT department is full right now but I could train with them while also doing very basic warehouse and machine putting-together work.

So I took it as I figured it would be a decent entry into IT. And they said I would basically be next in line if anyone left the IT department.

Well the person that was supposed to train me only trained me one day then never called again then moved to a different department. The big boss was supposedly unhappy about this tho (big boss hired me).

Now fast forward about a month and my manager is wanting me to become a service tech. I don’t want to do this, but said I would until I can get into IT (big mistake I know). He was even talking about the company will spend money to send me to tech training (bad sign?). I had also asked him what is going on since my IT contact moved departments and he gave me some bullshit about how “he doesn’t know what’s going on and he’s just a cog in the machine…” yeah whatever.

So I’ve been applying to other jobs (I have some programming education but have been struggling to get into that type of job and struggling to get into IT too).

I feel like they are bait and switching me cause they need service techs. I’m afraid to go over my managers head to the big boss and it’s been about a month since I was supposed to be training in IT part of the time (my fault I know).

As of now I’m just biding my time, hoping a spot opens in IT. If it does and they skip me I walk out. But I’m getting a lot of anxiety about all this and fear they are screwing me over.

What do you all think?

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