
I think it’s finally time to do something instead of laying in our coaches while complaining about AI increasing class disparities

It's evident that this technology has the potential to change how the economy and society will work sooner or later, and the fact that the ever increasing class disparities will wide more if nothing is done by the use of this technology. But instead of, I don't know, maybe probably rebelling against the top 1% who pretty much have the power and decision whether this technology will go (As they can bribe the goverment to pass policies that benefit them are not us) by disrupting how capital flows by actively tearing down the system instead of passively consuming content on the same platforms that keep getting us distracted from the real world created by those capitalists PD: I'm not asking for starting a revolution all suddenly, it's still too soon. But sooner or later, there will be one.

It's evident that this technology has the potential to change how the economy and society will work sooner or later, and the fact that the ever increasing class disparities will wide more if nothing is done by the use of this technology.

But instead of, I don't know, maybe probably rebelling against the top 1% who pretty much have the power and decision whether this technology will go (As they can bribe the goverment to pass policies that benefit them are not us) by disrupting how capital flows by actively tearing down the system instead of passively consuming content on the same platforms that keep getting us distracted from the real world created by those capitalists

PD: I'm not asking for starting a revolution all suddenly, it's still too soon. But sooner or later, there will be one.

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