
I think my gf should quit her job

My gf works at a assisted living facility and I’ve been trying to convince her to get a job at a different one. I use to work at the same place(it’s how we met) but my time in the healthcare industry was destined to be brief and I mean BREIF. That place single handedly ruined the healthcare field for me. There was always something I did wrong or if the aides from the previous shift forgot to do something (they just didn’t give a damn to do it) and I didn’t catch the mistake in time, I would get chewed out and have veiled threats made against me. When others made the same mistakes, it would simply be ignored. Now mind you I’m the type of person that no matter what job I have, I always give it 110% and if I make a mistake then I must hold myself…

My gf works at a assisted living facility and I’ve been trying to convince her to get a job at a different one. I use to work at the same place(it’s how we met) but my time in the healthcare industry was destined to be brief and I mean BREIF. That place single handedly ruined the healthcare field for me.

There was always something I did wrong or if the aides from the previous shift forgot to do something (they just didn’t give a damn to do it) and I didn’t catch the mistake in time, I would get chewed out and have veiled threats made against me. When others made the same mistakes, it would simply be ignored. Now mind you I’m the type of person that no matter what job I have, I always give it 110% and if I make a mistake then I must hold myself accountable and understand what I did wrong so that I don’t repeat it so that I can be the best at what I do.

Eventually I got really good at my job so much so that the residents we cared for would ask for me by name because they saw me as someone they could rely on and their family members would either leave me thank you cards or even call the facility to just to give me praise. The rest of the staff didn’t like that because I assume it made them look bad. I would constantly hear snide and rude remarks from other aides and nurses, then when they couldn’t find a reason to critique my work they resorted to speaking down to me and demanding I do task in aggressive tones. These are all things I usually just ignored.

The biggest issue with this facility is that they were always understaffed and I mean ALWAYS, shoot that’s the reason they hired me so quickly, there wasn’t even an interview just a meeting to tell me the job duties and to start signing the onboarding paperwork. Since attendance seemed to be an issue of theirs they enacted a new policy that if you call out of work 3 times in a year you would be terminated, so if your kid gets sick tough shit you better find someone else look after them, car breaks down fuck you call an Uber, family emergency then you better not have a family, need a personal mental health day so you don’t lose your mind in our twisted fucked up capitalistic system you guessed it go fuck yourself.

I was already job searching by the time they started the new policy and eventually landed two job offers that allow me to wfh. Before I could give my notice that I’d be leaving they asked me to come in early to cover someone’s shift who never showed up for work I told them I wanted to be paid extra for work the work I’d have to do(they usually offer extra money if you came in early to help out) they said no and that if I don’t show then they would terminate me because they would consider this my third call out since I my second one took place 4 months prior. I told them they could blow me. Days later they demand I show up to cover someone’s shift I laughed and blocked their number.

My gf works her ass off for these people and I’ve been trying my hardest to convince to switch to another facility but she’s worried that it’ll be more of the same and doesn’t want to risk a potential pay cut which I understand. But wholeheartedly fuck that place.

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