
I think my work is trying to get rid of me after 4 years of extremely good performance

I think my work is trying to get rid of me. A little context. I met my fiancé at work 3 years ago, and he has since left the company to start his own company in the same field. My company was not happy about this. I have been with my company for 4 years and have never so much as had a slap on the wrist prior to my fiancé leaving. My fiancé left about 4 months ago. I was written up about 2 weeks after my fiancé left for something slipping through the cracks. This is a common occurrence in my company and happens to others at least daily and no one gets written up for it. I was just written up today for not telling my superior about an issue when he was out on vacation. The incident that they wrote me up for happened at least…

I think my work is trying to get rid of me.

A little context. I met my fiancé at work 3 years ago, and he has since left the company to start his own company in the same field. My company was not happy about this. I have been with my company for 4 years and have never so much as had a slap on the wrist prior to my fiancé leaving. My fiancé left about 4 months ago. I was written up about 2 weeks after my fiancé left for something slipping through the cracks. This is a common occurrence in my company and happens to others at least daily and no one gets written up for it. I was just written up today for not telling my superior about an issue when he was out on vacation. The incident that they wrote me up for happened at least 3 weeks ago, so I find it strange that they wrote me up for it now, three weeks later. Not to mention they couldn’t stay on one topic for the duration of the meeting and kept swerving to other things that I was supposedly in trouble for and I said “I thought this was about me not communicating with boss while he was out”. Not to mention, they just fired another coworker who I thought always performed well today. If they write me up one more time I’ll be fired, which is company policy. Something definitely stinks here because I’ve never been in trouble before or had any performance related issues prior to the last 4 months, where I’ve been formally disciplined twice. Should I be concerned? If so what can I do to protect myself?

Edit- I should also say both times I was written up my boss said he was told to write me up privately

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