
I think the attitude people have against people who don’t wanting to work is so stupid and toxic

I am technically disabled. Mentally I have autism, adhd, learning disability, ptsd, anxiety, bi polar, bpd, severe cronic depression for years. Physically I am mid 30's male who has arthritis in his knees because he has never been able to afford a car and has to walk everywhere. I have bad back and now got shoulder tendinitis and a tooth infection so I need dental work my insurance doesn't cover. For years I have been working 40 hours a week + OT just to barely get by paycheck to paycheck. Ive dealt with horrible customers who lied about me and got me written up. I got hired for being hurt on the job and missing work. I was bullied by multiple coworkers and falsely accused of stuff I didn't do. Now I have nothing left to give anymore. I just can't go back to the grind of 40 a week…

I am technically disabled. Mentally I have autism, adhd, learning disability, ptsd, anxiety, bi polar, bpd, severe cronic depression for years. Physically I am mid 30's male who has arthritis in his knees because he has never been able to afford a car and has to walk everywhere. I have bad back and now got shoulder tendinitis and a tooth infection so I need dental work my insurance doesn't cover. For years I have been working 40 hours a week + OT just to barely get by paycheck to paycheck. Ive dealt with horrible customers who lied about me and got me written up. I got hired for being hurt on the job and missing work. I was bullied by multiple coworkers and falsely accused of stuff I didn't do.

Now I have nothing left to give anymore. I just can't go back to the grind of 40 a week to barely scrape by. Its killing me. I have online classes I am doing and I fall behind and get horrible grades because I have no energy outside of work to do them. I just want to take a year off work and work on myself and there is no way out. I have to keep going or Ill be homeless on the streets of Phoenix in 120 degree weather. I can't get disability because I am “proving I am not disabled” by working. If I quit working to get disability I would lose my shelter, access to the internet, my storage unit and all my possessions and family heirlooms of my dead relatives from the house my grandma was cheated out of.

To add insult to injury I lost my food stamps because my gross pay is what matters and they don't deduct my rent or bills.

When I complain about having trouble finding any career that fits my specific needs and needing a job that can help me with my special needs I get told I am entitled and lazy. I am also told I am entitled and lazy for wanting student loan forgiveness by the same people who fight so that billionares don't pay taxes and didnt care about PPP loan forgiveness or the bank bailouts back in 2008.

And to make matters worse this AI shit where my degree (technical writing) is going to be useless. Its going to replace programers and accountants and any decent paying middle class job.

Honestly work is too one sided. Its become slavery. Nobody should work 40 hours a week at any job just to scrap by. But the same people who tell you to work hard and hard work pays off get mad when you do what they say and struggle.

I hate totalitarianism and dont want a Stalinist/Maoist dictatorship. I would just like America with limits on capitalism to stop the exploitation of the poor and these big corporations and rich people get socialism through tax breaks so its only fair the poor get some socialism through student loan and medical debt forgiveness.

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