
I told my manager I can no longer work events because I’m going back to school and she was visibly shaken

She started shaking and was like, “But we just can't not have you there…” I felt SO guilty, but I stayed firm. I'm a supervisor for a restaurant and catering business, and I dropped out of classes because I kept skipping evening classes for catering events. I signed up for the fall semester because I needed to get my life back on track, and I knew my supervisor would react like this because she's so anxious about how understaffed we are. I feel so bad, but I stayed firm. I gave her a month's notice and even said I'd pick up Fridays and help pre-set everything for the catering crew before I leave for classes, so I was really accommodating.

She started shaking and was like, “But we just can't not have you there…” I felt SO guilty, but I stayed firm. I'm a supervisor for a restaurant and catering business, and I dropped out of classes because I kept skipping evening classes for catering events.

I signed up for the fall semester because I needed to get my life back on track, and I knew my supervisor would react like this because she's so anxious about how understaffed we are. I feel so bad, but I stayed firm. I gave her a month's notice and even said I'd pick up Fridays and help pre-set everything for the catering crew before I leave for classes, so I was really accommodating.

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