
I unfriended my abusive former employer on Facebook

Back in 2021 I landed my first job as a developer and I was so excited about it since finding a job in IT as a junior is difficult. However, the job was really not what I expected. It did not teach me ANY skills, they were using extremely outdated technologies, the pay was absolute SHIT (similar to a store clerk's outcome in my country) and the manager was an asshole. He micromanaged everything and everyone, he was giving orders around and abusing people endessly. A few months after getting the job I needed an urgent surgery (I was close to septic shock) and my manager practically REPROACHED me for being in the hospital instead of working and told me that “his business lost around RON 6000 (in US currency this would be about $1300) because of my absence”. He was always rushing me and telling me I'm too slow…

Back in 2021 I landed my first job as a developer and I was so excited about it since finding a job in IT as a junior is difficult. However, the job was really not what I expected. It did not teach me ANY skills, they were using extremely outdated technologies, the pay was absolute SHIT (similar to a store clerk's outcome in my country) and the manager was an asshole. He micromanaged everything and everyone, he was giving orders around and abusing people endessly.

A few months after getting the job I needed an urgent surgery (I was close to septic shock) and my manager practically REPROACHED me for being in the hospital instead of working and told me that “his business lost around RON 6000 (in US currency this would be about $1300) because of my absence”. He was always rushing me and telling me I'm too slow even though I was doing my best at completing the tasks I was assigned.

But the worst thing was that he was checking up on me on social media, tracking what I posted and where I posted. I once commented something on a friend's post about employees being screwed by companies and he saw the post. The next thing he did was lecture me on what I'm allowed to post on social media and telling me that I'm giving his business “a bad image”.


I eventually quit the job because of the abuse and because I wasn't learning anything valuable but he continued stalking me. After quitting the job I started posting on Facebook groups anonymously, telling my story and asking for advice about how I should proceed with my career, since I knew almost nothing at that point. He saw the post, even though it was anonymous, but a few details gave it away (I didn't mention anything about the name of the company I worked at, I didn't reveal my identity, their names, etc). He “wow” reacted my post, and I knew immediately that he KNOWS it was me who posted it.


A few days ago I got really tired of being literally AFRAID to post things on my social media. I eventually brought up the courage to unfriend him and now I'm thinking of blocking him so that I will never interact with him again.

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