
I wanna quit my job but I can’t tell my boss…

I'm 22M, i'm a procurement manager at a company where I'm from, i used to love my job, I learned a lot from it. I met a lot of cool people, I made connections with many establishments that's useful for the future but the job is so unbelievably stressful… It pays well but the cost is my own mental health. It's a 9-5 but they don't treat it as a 9-5. Sometimes I get called in at like 8pm, sometimes I get called in on my weekends. To the point where when my weekend DOES show up I'm constantly thinking “are they gonna let me relax or call me in today?”. I absolutely love my boss, she's amazing, very supportive and listens to me but she has so much on her plate. She's running 2 businesses at the same time, helping another company make a new building, her own problems…

I'm 22M, i'm a procurement manager at a company where I'm from, i used to love my job, I learned a lot from it. I met a lot of cool people, I made connections with many establishments that's useful for the future but the job is so unbelievably stressful… It pays well but the cost is my own mental health. It's a 9-5 but they don't treat it as a 9-5. Sometimes I get called in at like 8pm, sometimes I get called in on my weekends. To the point where when my weekend DOES show up I'm constantly thinking “are they gonna let me relax or call me in today?”.

I absolutely love my boss, she's amazing, very supportive and listens to me but she has so much on her plate. She's running 2 businesses at the same time, helping another company make a new building, her own problems at home…etc etc. I feel sorry for her and we're so busy right now there's no room to find my replacement. Everyday is a rush. I can't stack even more stuff on her plate right now, it'll break her. But at the same time I don't know how much longer I can take. The corporate world is just not for me… I wanna be able to relax after a long day and not have to constantly check emails, Whatsapp texts…etc etc at midnight ffs.

Any advice?

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