
I want to quit, but my parents won’t let me.

For context, I am 17 and I don't need to be working, i just want something to do. My job is miserable. Not only do I have customers yelling at me (fast food) but the managers will yell for any small reason at anyone. I had a manager send my coworker home because she was “having an attitude”. We had been bagging food and the manager only wanted one person doing it, and my coworker was going to finish bagging and then do something else. Two seconds later, the manager snaps “That doesn't look like one person.” My coworker said, “I'm finishing this up and then I'll find something else to do, please calm down.” My manager then said “Just clock out and go home. i don't want to deal with your attitude today.” And that's just one of them. 4/5 of the managers have this power complex in their…

For context, I am 17 and I don't need to be working, i just want something to do.

My job is miserable. Not only do I have customers yelling at me (fast food) but the managers will yell for any small reason at anyone.

I had a manager send my coworker home because she was “having an attitude”. We had been bagging food and the manager only wanted one person doing it, and my coworker was going to finish bagging and then do something else. Two seconds later, the manager snaps “That doesn't look like one person.” My coworker said, “I'm finishing this up and then I'll find something else to do, please calm down.” My manager then said “Just clock out and go home. i don't want to deal with your attitude today.”

And that's just one of them. 4/5 of the managers have this power complex in their heads that they're better than us, when they're not even that much older than us! The oldest manager is 22. One of them is 19. Like, come on.

Anyways, I tell my parents this and they just say “suck it up, we deal with that too.” I try telling them that it ain't okay, but they don't care.

I hate this so much.

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