I (28M) have had several retail jobs for the last ~10 years. I still live at home with my mom which sucks but at least I'm kinda saving money even though I do have bad spending habits. I screwed up my last job back in 2021 and was jobless for half a year until I found a new job in 2022. I've had it for a little over a year now and even got promoted to a manager position but it's just been way more stressful than rewarding. I'm transferring to a new location but am not sure if it'll be as nice as I'm assuming it is.
I want to quit and try to just float for a bit to fond something new but my mother says I need to quit when I find that new job. I don't agree since this current job just suppresses any motivation I get. She has a point but she also isn't helping.
What do I do? I'm sort of looking into IT, I have zero irl friends save for some not-so-close online friends of a few years, I only have an Associates Degree, I'm depressed, lazy, want to change, want to move out, want to actually live life but can't seem to care enough to.
Anything will help, criticism or positivity