
I want to quit my internship

I want to quit my internship. The internship is technically a year long, but there was no contract for it. So far I’ve been there for 4 months, and I want to leave in the next 2 months, hopefully after I’ve gotten my boss to upload a recommendation letter for me. I do admit that I’m learning a lot, but management is just so toxic. It’s a smaller business run by a husband and wife, and sometimes they are so passive aggressive and rude it makes me hate going to work in fear they’ll make a comment about what I’m doing or try to bring me down. My coworker is also problematic and makes things worse. He makes snide comments, is always trying to one-up me, and tries to make himself look better than me to my boss. What sucks is he’s my only coworker. I go to work only…

I want to quit my internship. The internship is technically a year long, but there was no contract for it. So far I’ve been there for 4 months, and I want to leave in the next 2 months, hopefully after I’ve gotten my boss to upload a recommendation letter for me.

I do admit that I’m learning a lot, but management is just so toxic. It’s a smaller business run by a husband and wife, and sometimes they are so passive aggressive and rude it makes me hate going to work in fear they’ll make a comment about what I’m doing or try to bring me down.

My coworker is also problematic and makes things worse. He makes snide comments, is always trying to one-up me, and tries to make himself look better than me to my boss. What sucks is he’s my only coworker.

I go to work only 3 days right now, and once school starts it will be 2 days, but this is also my last semester in school, and I’m just thinking about all the work from school then coming to a place like this to work. I’m especially afraid of the winter when it’ll be dark and depressing. Is staying for another 2 months a good plan, or should I stick it out for a few more months?

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