
I was asked to take an interview while I was eating after I ordered my food.

I went to Mcdonald's for breakfast and was waiting for food since they were holding on biscuits and they are extremely short-staffed. I said I get it I used to work at one. They handed me an application with my food then while I'm eating the hiring manager comes over and asks if I want to interview right now. I said let me think about it while I eat, then went up a minute later and said I would do the interview now but I can not work weekends due to another job, I work as a caregiver and work Saturday and Sunday from 8 AM to 10 PM. So the hiring manager yanks the application out of my hand and says then we can't interview you since you can't work weekends. I didn't ask for an interview or an application. They just handed it to me and then had…

I went to Mcdonald's for breakfast and was waiting for food since they were holding on biscuits and they are extremely short-staffed. I said I get it I used to work at one. They handed me an application with my food then while I'm eating the hiring manager comes over and asks if I want to interview right now. I said let me think about it while I eat, then went up a minute later and said I would do the interview now but I can not work weekends due to another job, I work as a caregiver and work Saturday and Sunday from 8 AM to 10 PM. So the hiring manager yanks the application out of my hand and says then we can't interview you since you can't work weekends.

I didn't ask for an interview or an application. They just handed it to me and then had the manager come out to the dining area to ask me. So after being treated like I will not work there or eat there. Fuck that manager though.

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