
I was bullied

I don't know if this is the right place to post, but I used to work in care in the UK- one of my first jobs was working in an old folks home Now I have never worked in a place before or since, where the staff where so unhappy. The manager was clearly under a lot of pressure from her bosses and took it out on her staff. We were overworked and understaffed, often called upon to work more hours than were legal, told to stay on site during unpaid breaks and expected to pickup shifts with little to no notice “for the good of the team.”

I don't know if this is the right place to post, but I used to work in care in the UK- one of my first jobs was working in an old folks home

Now I have never worked in a place before or since, where the staff where so unhappy. The manager was clearly under a lot of pressure from her bosses and took it out on her staff. We were overworked and understaffed, often called upon to work more hours than were legal, told to stay on site during unpaid breaks and expected to pickup shifts with little to no notice “for the good of the team.”

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