
I was disabled from a work injury. Was texted while I was in pre op prepping for my 2nd surgery that they just closed on the sale of the company

I had a severe work injury (lost most use of my dominant hand) I have had 3 surgeries so far in 8 months. My hand still does not work. When I was in pre op getting the IV put in for my 2nd surgery, I was texted that they just closed on the sale of the company, my insurance was canceled, and I was now responsible for the $1,000/month rent that I as previously included in my employment. Meanwhile I moved half way across the state take this job because the owner of the company begged me to. I have no family or friends where I live now, but I can’t leave the area because my drs are really good. I gave 7 years of my life as well as my hand to a job that couldn’t even be bothered to call me to tell me they sold. Don’t be…

I had a severe work injury (lost most use of my dominant hand) I have had 3 surgeries so far in 8 months. My hand still does not work. When I was in pre op getting the IV put in for my 2nd surgery, I was texted that they just closed on the sale of the company, my insurance was canceled, and I was now responsible for the $1,000/month rent that I as previously included in my employment. Meanwhile I moved half way across the state take this job because the owner of the company begged me to. I have no family or friends where I live now, but I can’t leave the area because my drs are really good. I gave 7 years of my life as well as my hand to a job that couldn’t even be bothered to call me to tell me they sold. Don’t be me

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