
I was forced to do the work of 5 people due to seniority and a biased supervisor, so on my last day I wiped the entire inventory from the system.

This was about a decade ago. I worked in a plant but I was running the “store” which was basically a place where everybody, from superviors to regular employees, came to get things from it. Typically, when you got something from the store you had to fill out a slip, what you wanted exactly by the code assigned to the item, the quantity, and some kind of signature from a supervisor, electrician, etc. We had 5 people that worked on my shift and we were all assigned different roles. I was assigned to the “window” which means I was looking up items on the computer, finding out where it was in the store, and going to the location. After i handed the item(s) out i had to update the quantity in the system. The only time i was supposed to leave the window is if a co worker was on…

This was about a decade ago. I worked in a plant but I was running the “store” which was basically a place where everybody, from superviors to regular employees, came to get things from it. Typically, when you got something from the store you had to fill out a slip, what you wanted exactly by the code assigned to the item, the quantity, and some kind of signature from a supervisor, electrician, etc.

We had 5 people that worked on my shift and we were all assigned different roles. I was assigned to the “window” which means I was looking up items on the computer, finding out where it was in the store, and going to the location. After i handed the item(s) out i had to update the quantity in the system. The only time i was supposed to leave the window is if a co worker was on break or already on a delivery so i would have to leave. We had 2 outside barns where we kept some of the heavier parts, and sometimes you needed a forklift to get them.

Now, there was one guy that was supposed to deliver chemicals which wasn't often, and usually took like 10 minutes at the most. This also wasn't an every day thing, so he really just slept in the breakroom for most of his shift.

There was a woman that worked in the back, and she was supposed to place things in the system that arrived off of trucks. In between time, she was supposed to organize the store to make things more convenient.

There was a man that was in charge of repairs and to assist me with the window. Repairs were rare since most of the time the item would be thrown out, so he hardly ever had to repair anything.

My last 2 co workers did absolutely nothing. One of them was my supervisor's favorite and she would get away with everything including super long breaks and even leaving the building which wasnt supposed to be allowed. The other co worker was a young guy that tagged along.

So, none of them helped run the store. I was running the window, doing deliveries, chemicals and organizing inventory. All while they took long breaks and would disappear throughout the day.

Anyway, one day a supervisor wanted a chemical. The guy was nowhere to be found. My supervisor comes out and asks me to do it so i did it and when I came back there was a long line of people waiting for me looking angry. I did my job but explained that i didnt have any help cause my co workers disappeared.

Apparently, somebody told my co workers what I said so thats when they started neglecting their jobs even more.

Fast forward a few weeks of this and my boss pulled me off to the side and asked me where i was after I came back from delivering something. I explained the situation and what was going on but it felt like she didnt believe me.

That same week, i ended up being 2 minutes late from lunch because the cafeteria line was so long. When i got back she was glaring at me and working the window herself. She wrote me up for being late. Mind you, all of my co workers took half hour breaks and hour long lunches. No exaggeration. I was also the absolute lowest in seniority as well.

Apparently, my co workers all lied on me and said that i was just sitting in the breakroom or bathroom whenever i left the window. They said i wandered off all the time, and they were picking up MY slack which is why they were always gone.

Mind you, 3 out of 5 of my co workers were older than me by at least a decade at that point lol

So, it was literally 5 against 1.

So, on my last day there i decided to quit without a 2 weeks notice. This is because my supervisor wrote me up again cause i made a delivery. She apologized about an hour later because a supervisor vouched for me and told her that i was helping him.

However, the damage had been done so i concocted a plan to just quit and erase everything.

I was very irritated but i showed no signs since I have a poker face. On my co workers last break i waited until they all left together. I signed into the inventory, and marked 0 on everything and saved it in the computer. I could easily do this because there were different folders in the system based off what type of item it was. Then, i got up and walked calmly out the plant and drove off in my car. I got a voicemail asking me what happened and my boss was frantically asking if i knew what had happened and where i was. I never replied and i never went back.

It was hundreds of parts and items that we had to count by hand over the weekend to make sure everything was correct. Most of it we could just eye ball it, but back then they had to sweep everything and look at all the serial code numbers to verify. Basically, i made their job tedious for the next few weeks.

My stepdad worked there at the same time but at a different position, and he told me that they were out of order for over a month and supervisors were pissed at them lol

It made my heart smile.

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