
I was reporting my boss and wrote a statement to HR , HR then immediately forwarded my email to my boss.

When HR forwarded the email I was shocked and really upset, I thought what I said would be protected because it was basically whistle blowing. I had to attend a meeting with my boss and HR where the HR person put me on the spot to have me tellthe issues I had with my boss directly to him. After the meeting nothing was ever resolved. Since then my boss has been outright rude to me and is basically retaliating. We recently got a new HR person and I’m considering talking to her about what happened. Should I talk to the new HR or not?

When HR forwarded the email I was shocked and really upset, I thought what I said would be protected because it was basically whistle blowing. I had to attend a meeting with my boss and HR where the HR person put me on the spot to have me tellthe issues I had with my boss directly to him. After the meeting nothing was ever resolved. Since then my boss has been outright rude to me and is basically retaliating. We recently got a new HR person and I’m considering talking to her about what happened. Should I talk to the new HR or not?

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